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This changelog lists all additions and updates to the Mekari product API, in chronological order.

February 26,2024

Adding jurnal api docs, mekari pay service, kyc-backend api documentation.

February 22, 2024

Adding Updates for Product APIs documentation (Qontak CRM and Qontak OmniChannel)

December 12, 2023

Add support for query params if request-line header included on signature during HMAC Authentication process to enhance security protection during API authentication process. This means when generating the HMAC signature with request-line header, you need to add query params if the API URI has query param.

Previously if the full API URI is POST, the request-line will only contain method, path and http version. For example: POST /v2/klikpajak/v1/efaktur/out HTTP/1.1. However with this new changes, you must include the query params inside the request-line. For example: POST /v2/klikpajak/v1/efaktur/out?auto_approval=false HTTP/1.1. If you need help to verify the implementation you can always use HMAC Validator to verify your signature is correct or not.

Support for request-line without query params is deprecated and we will drop the support by March 31st, 2023. We expect you made the changes on your application before March 31st, 2023.